A newly formed mobile phone insurance company was having problems managing it’s growth.
It had been started using manual processes with little apart from an application page on its website in terms of technology. We were invited by the Operations Manager to see if we could review their business and put forward a proposal that would automate much of their processes.
We were able to show that they could remove many of the manual steps of processing the insurance application and also reduce the errors and rework experienced in their direct debit set up and reconciliation.
A project was agreed and once their ‘to be’ business processes had been documented we created the back end applications that took the initial web-based sales order and moved it automatically through setting up the online payment, checking details were correct and issuing the policies.
Reconciliation was carried out directly with their bank transactions and exceptions reported.
The final element of the system was managing any claim online and handling any device returns.
Mobilecover Insurance